Saturday, January 19, 2013

Aspens Ashimmer - reworked watercolor

22x15 watercolor and gouache on 140 lb cold press paper, my demo for today's workshop class.  Our task was to take an old painting that just didn't look like we wanted, and remake it into something better.  For mine I choose a previous floral that had already been redone but still was lousy.  I turned it vertically and drew aspen outlines using black watersoluble Tombow brush pen, then with white gouache and watercolors, mostly opaques, I painted this scene.  Below you can see the old dog itself.

BEFORE version, titled Poppies and Berries, that had lots of negatively painted leaves and blooms...way too much detail as is my usual habit.

1 comment:

Sandy Sandy Art said...

Great recovery, Kay! I like your pansies too.

Woven Flowers of Passion

15x22 work is actually two identically painted scenes of pink roses in front of a house. The original was ho-hum boring so a few years late...