Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Poppy Prize

6.5x7 alcohol inks on paper that is today's work.  Starting off with only three primaries of pale pink, turquoise, and yellow gold I covered the area then blended with blending solution.  When dry within a few moments I added lime green then more yellow around edges.  Sangria Magenta was added which is a pink but over the yellow gold it turned more red.  Center dark areas were blown with a large drinking straw and a coffee stirrer.  Juniper green was last and leaves and pods done with it; stems made by ink drops on tip of a wooden chopstick for thin lines.
Image COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith.

Woven Flowers of Passion

15x22 work is actually two identically painted scenes of pink roses in front of a house. The original was ho-hum boring so a few years late...