Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Tulips - WIP woven watercolor


reference photo

It has been awhile since I did a work in progress (WIP ) and even longer since doing a watercolor that is 'woven'.  With this technique, you must do two paintings alike as seen in today's pencil sketch BELOW.  When done, one will be cut into vertical strips and the other horizontal strips, then woven into its own painting.

Two pencil drawings 15x11 on 140 lb cold press Canson watercolor paper, using ref photo to get shapes correct.

With both side by side on DRY paper I started with the uppermost top tulip, making it variegated, applying arylide yellow and transparent pyrrol orange with 1" flat sable brush.  Alternating colors I switched back and forth with each stroke trying to have them identical.

Second tulip with more reds and pinks variations was next, letting colors mingle.  Colors:  Alizarin crimson, permanent rose, Grumbacher red, arylide, quinacridones violet and magenta.  Pale green made with arylide and Prussian blue was painted.  Stay tuned for more.
Images COPYRIGHT 2015 Kay Smith.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh goody, a WIP and a woven one at that! I'm anxiously watching your progress, Kay!

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