Sunday, August 5, 2018

Pink Rose Collage step by step WIP

11x15 gouache over charcoal sketch on phone book pages collaged then pulled off Lanaquarelle 140 lb hot press paper; done this afternoon in 2 hours for another timed WetCanvas weekend drawing event.  The steps can be seen below.

Supplies of phone book ad pages, 3" brush, a jar of half matte medium, half r/o water that's brushed onto the dry watercolor paper.

Masking tape applied over wet pages that were collaged onto wc paper, then pulled off after 10 minutes. Palette knife is used to press down each tape strip.

After pulling masking tape off then you remove each and every loose piece.

Fully peeled off and now ready to be put outside in 95 F. to dry thoroughly.  Then a sketch of the pink rose onto dry paper is done as seen below.

Adding Turner's Design gouache with large round brush the pink rose comes to life.

Background put in using different blues and yellow mixes for varied greens.  The pulled paper areas will give unexpected textural effects.  This is at the 2 hour mark with not much left to paint.

COPYRIGHT 2018 Kay Smith.

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Brycen and Dog

15x11 watercolor on Kilimanjaro 140 lb cold press paper do e couple months ago, a commission plus a local wine label design for CaSh. This...