Sunday, September 27, 2009

Harvest Crows

This watercolor is 1/4 sheet, which in our lingo is one fourth of a full sheet measuring 22x30 inches. I drew this scene while in the New Mexico mountains on Friday. Lots of harvest ideas and decorations are out in town now and painting crows is total fun. Nobody likes them. They are black, though, and add a nice punch to the imaginary scene and pumpkin field...or I could've added black cats but that would be too Hallowe'en-ish.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Citrus Sky

22x20 watercolor on Italia 140 lb paper painted earlier this year of a palm tree and coconuts. Maybe with winter coming on I am thinking of citrus skies.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Pastry Chef

22x15 Caran D'Ache watersoluble colored crayons with black ink on 140 lb hot press paper, drawn in 10 minutes and painted in about 1 hour. Let him fix your next meal!


15x11 watercolor from a photo by Emilia in the Hamilton Gardens, New Jersey sculpture garden. The sculptor used French Impressionist painter Gustave Caillebotte's work entitled Paris Street; Rainy Day (1876-77).

Friday, September 18, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Reworked Watercolor Woman "Brunette"

BEFORE 22x30 sunflowers drawn from fake paper ones; I left a white background. A few months ago I added color blocks to improve the composition but something still lacking...I used
Strathmore Gemini 140 lb hot press paper, DS/DV paints.

AFTER version, 30x22 watercolor and gouache over failed sunflowers above. I drew a female shape with chalk. Using gouache for flesh tones I painted in face, neck, arms, lower legs, part of feet. Now this brunette has herself a new sundress.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Lounge Lizard

22x20 watercolor painted very unorthodox of a pink cat on his chaise lounge. Patterns are deliberately pointing to the cat who himself remains an enigma as all cats do. Colors: Permanent rose, quin coral, red, aureolin, indigo, thalo yellow green, vermilion.

Monday, September 7, 2009

OK, OK I Had An Oil Change!

16x20 oil done Saturday as one of the images going to DPOT (Daily Painters of Texas) show in Dallas October 17-November 30, 2009 at the Dutch Art Gallery I've painted this still life twice before in watercolor and once in oil and the oil was disappointing so I redid it with much more enthusiasm. Its title is Green Teapot and Apples.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Here's to: New Blog New Beginning

7.5x11 watercolor, 140 lb cold press paper. I painted this while in Albuquerque recently. I used Winsor Newton paper and travel kit. Colors: Cadmium yellow pale, ultramarine blue, yellow ochre, cadmium yellow hue, cobalt blue, burnt sienna, cadmium red pale, sap green, burnt umber, alizarin crimson, and viridian.

As a watercolorist mostly self taught with workshops scattered throughout the years it is my hope to be able to answer questions and show you works in progress.

So I will say "Here's to my new blog!" This painting's title is 'ritaville . CHEERS!!!


7x9 watercolor and ink using White Nights paints and Micron 01 pen on 80 lb sketchbook paper done last week. Another imaginary pair of bird...