Sunday, November 29, 2009

Window Amaryllis

24x9 inches, watercolor on Strathmore 140 lb paper, Daniel Smith paints, completed yesterday during a timed exercise on a weekend drawing event with It is definitely time for seeing red and peppermint hued amaryllis for Christmastime!


carolpete said...

Kay - I love the amarylis. I have several large plants here at home. I left one outside to see if it would survive the winter.

Jan said...

Wonderful painting. Love your composition. In fact I love all your paintings. Jan

Kay Smith said...

Thank you Carol and Jan!

Vernita Hoyt said...

Very pretty, Kay! I love your paintings with windows in them.

Petal Pushers

15x22 watercolor on Saunders 140 lb cold press from my photo of faux tulip blooms in a vase in my living room; this painting is featured in...