Sunday, August 22, 2010


22x15 watercolor on Saunders 140 lb cold press paper. Using only b&w photos I drew each fur-person carefully then painted wet on dry using imagination. On right hand side with orange bg is a Siamese and that is Jezebel, studio kitty.
It was hard to find a sleezy name and many nouns such as Scalawags (too doggish), Jailbait, Devils in Fur Coats, came to mind but politicians seemed to fit perfectly. I love the one wet kitty on the left. I hope the cat lovers admire this one as it took awhile to do.


irinasztukowski said...

Great characters Kay! Wonderful job for just b&w reference. I love your choice of the background.

Margie Whittington said...

I really like this cat painting.
Thanks for the nice comment you left on my ptg. Aspen Leaves II.

Kay Smith said...

Yes, the many faces of politicos! Thanks Irina and Margie.

Caroline Peña Bray said...

I'm not even a cat lover but I love this painting! You've really created a group of characters in a very clever and perceptive way. Great stuff!

Cynthia Schelzig said...

Just wonderful...all the assorted poses of a cat....

Hollyhock Shades ~ demo

7x9 watercolor demonstration using White Nights paints on sketchbook 80 lb paper done this past Monday for my art class, a wet on dry direc...