Monday, November 29, 2010

Little Bluebird

7x5 watercolor, another in my Christmas card a day project that has started to become an obsession. Look what you started, Stephie! Now I can't stop.


artistecathy said...

I love this series you're doing for Christmas Card a Day - what fun. All the images are really uplifting - this little bluebird really is wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing!

Sandra Busby said...

What a great idea doing a little Chrismas card every day! They are all so cheerful - but my favorite so far is the little bird with the hat on - he is SO cute!

Vernita Hoyt said...

I am loving your Christmas Card series, and it makes me want to do something similar. You are so filled with creative ideas.

Unknown said...

Keep doing them!! I just discovered your blog and want to see more!! Thanks for the visual pleasure!


Antique Glass

10x8 acrylics on canvas done last Monday from one of my antique store photos taken in 2011 but never painted. A collection of colored glass...