Monday, December 6, 2010

Meltdown - a Christmas card a day

11x8.5 watercolor of two happy and silly snowmen facing a sunny day outdoors. Little do they know they are slowly becoming one with the earth again.


Carrie Waller Watercolors said...

Too cute! Love the idea of a Christmas card a day!

Kay Smith said...

Thanks! It is fun to do.

KammWaterColor said...

So lovely!
I wish I had followed your blog more often so that I could get more interesting ideas about painting Christmas card.

Here is my blog in case you're interested to see my works!

Kay Smith said...

Kamm, thank you for visiting and commenting. I did see your blog and tried to leave a comment but could not. You are really doing well!

Antique Glass

10x8 acrylics on canvas done last Monday from one of my antique store photos taken in 2011 but never painted. A collection of colored glass...