Sunday, January 30, 2011

Chuy's Pet Portrait

15x15 watercolor on Italia 140 lb paper, transparent colors Daniel Smith and DaVinci paints.

Striping it Rich

This is Chuy (pronounced Chewy) our gray tabby adopted 9 years ago from the Humane Society. He was caught red-handed in this photo napping on my lovely pillows. I decided to paint his portrait so have worked on that several days and will post it shortly. This photo was one of 16 images I put on WetCanvas! last weekend for the Weekend Drawing Event and I ran out of time to draw and paint him.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Figure Accepted in Western Federation Show - detail

Detail of Brunette, 30x22 watercolor done from a failed sunflower painting that was juried into the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies 2011 annual exhibition.

This year's show will be held in New Mexico and this is the 3rd point earned with WFWS towards signature status. I made up this figure and am thrilled that it is the second reworked/recycled piece that has made it into WFWS. My first one was of yellow wildflowers. So do not throw in the bin any that you don't like. Keep them and eventually a new exciting artwork may result.

The Federation is comprised of 11 watercolor societies who take turns hosting; juror for the Albuquerque show is Dale Laitinen. The show runs 6 May-5 June 2011. The WFWS website can be seen at this link:

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Poppy Patch

These red poppies were growing across the street from our church building and have wanted to paint them since snapping pix last spring/summer. Wet on dry watercolor, 22x15 Italia paper 140 lb cold press, Daniel Smith paints. I started this Friday and finished up today. Now am too pooped to enjoy my birthday party.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Flying Hooves

Enough of the snow scenes already. Let's see some yellow green grass and galloping horses stirring up dusty roads! This watercolor is 9x6 inches on Arches 140 lb cold press paper. I especially like the white guy who is their leader and the sunlit side versus the shadow side. The sorrels and palomino fellows are just supporting actors.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Spruced up for Winter

14x10 watercolor on Kilimanjaro 140 lb cold press block, American Journey/Daniel Smith paints, done today as our weather was cold with that lilac sky. Bare branches peep out behind the snow laden spruce tree. Brrrrrr.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Roses Still Life Demo-Trevena Style Class

Here's my 15x15 demo from today's class in the Shirley Trevena style. Of course my work can never compare to her masterpieces but was fun reading her 2 books, setting up still life, and having several artists come to paint all day. These roses were my own, posed in clear glass vases in front of my black lacquer French settee, on a little black coffee table with movie stars photos in it.

Drawn in colored pencil, a white candle was also used for making resist marks, while watercolor was put on dry paper partially coated with texture medium. The Indian pillows with their sequined patchwork help frame the roses and zinnias. Ignoring perspective is Shirley's hallmark style along with very vibrant hues. Colored pencils were sanded into wet paint for texture, and oil pastels added at the end for highlights and additional accents. The coffee table is upright while one vase comes off the page. My favorite part is the photo of Clark Gable upper right of the coffee table.

It was a difficult technique for most of us who are so accustomed to realism to paint a bit looser and not worry so much about the outcome.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Tuesday evening I drove to Plains, TX about 2 hours north and close to the New Mexico state line to do this demo for their art group, the Yoakum County Art Association. This tiny farming, ranching and oil town has a busy bunch of dedicated artists. Direct painting wet in wet watercolor on Saunders 140 lb cold press paper, I was able to do the birds and a light green value background in an hour. Size is 22x15 inches and paints used are Daniel Smith and American Journey. Back home in the studio I finished the negative painting leaves and other foliage to frame the brilliant hyacinth, scarlet, and military macaws.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


22x15 watercolor on Artistico 140 lb cold press paper done from my ink sketch recently of the two workhorses and all their gear. Finished yesterday, this painting was SOLD right off the easel to my dear cousin.


7x9 mixed media using markers and watercolor in sketchbook, Master's Touch 80 lb paper, done last week. This is the fourth neurographic...