Friday, April 15, 2011

Tax Day!!! Jezebel the Cat is Broke!!!

Look at Jezzie sitting in the studio front room, waiting on the Tax Man to cometh. She will have to say that she has NO money. Better get to paintin', kitty, 'cause you owe a lot!


Vernita Hoyt said...

I hear that plea loud and clear. I was thinking the same thing here in my studio. I better get to paintin'.

cathyswatercolors said...

What a great room

Linda Rupard said...

Poor Jezebel you need to loan her some money. Another studio that makes me feel good when I walk in. Arty Happy place!

Sunflower Bouquet

4x6 watercolor (Rosa paints) with black India ink applied with a chopstick to dry paper done last week of January, a quick floral study usi...