Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Red Mum

22x30 watercolor of a single bright red chrysanthemum, an older work that has been sold.  In this large format the common mum takes on an added importance.  In another month or so we'll be seeing them arrive for fall.


laura said...

Gorgeous--love the center and that yellow, but especially how each petal is articulated!

Delilah said...

This is a real Wow painting. Welcome to daily painters.Always good to have another Smith here.

_Frankb10 said...

I remember my mother growing hundreds of those! Lovely palette Kay, the dark blue background works to good effect with the bright red of the chrysanthemum.

Cactus and Agave

8x6 watercolor on rough handmade paper done over a week ago combining two references into one composition of prickly pear cactus along with...