Monday, August 15, 2011

Pass the Salt for Fresh Tomatoes

15x22 watercolor of ripe red tomatoes on a sunflower plate ready to eat if we only had a shaker of salt.  I set this up and drew from life a few years ago when we had enough rain to grow vegetables in a garden.  Maybe next year!


Anonymous said...

beautiful colors,Light and shadow dargllt very nice
Liebe Grüße Kerstin

Sandra Busby said...

Wow - such gorgeous and vibrant flowers! And I love the plate :0)

Helen Shideler said...

These are beautiful Kay -yumm good enough to eat. And teh painting is mighty fine as well :)

Quickie Peace Rose

8x10 quick watercolor study on 140 lb cold press Saunders Waterford paper, of one of my last peace roses. The entire rosebush has died and ...