Sunday, September 4, 2011

China Cabinet - a reworked watercolor still life

20x12.5 watercolor and gouache over a failed still life that was a floral in a red vase, a white pitcher, and onions on a white cloth and a blue and red table drape.  I did not like the floral so turned it vertically and drew cups and saucers.  Later I went back and added line to include Oriental fans, a pagoda, pink roses, etc.  Today I reworked the bottom area by adding white gouache on cup and saucer, strengthening the reds and blues, then correcting compositional areas.  My original still life that was drawn and painted from life has now been redone 3 times.  I can post the 2001 original BEFORE version if anyone wants to see it for comparison.  Other artists may disagree or dislike reworking/recycling their old dogs but I love it, plus I have now had 2 of them accepted into the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies exhibitions.  These annual shows have about 4500 artists competing for selection.


Carol said...

Love it!!! Looks like another winner.

Ann Buckner said...

I'm in awe of your skills in keeping the color so fresh and your creative abilities. I really like this one.

Kay Smith said...

Thanks Carol and Ann!

Sandra Busby said...

I think that when you paint over a previously washed off painting, it creates further interest and intigue. I absolutely love the effect - and I LOVE this one :0)

Antique Glass

10x8 acrylics on canvas done last Monday from one of my antique store photos taken in 2011 but never painted. A collection of colored glass...