Saturday, January 7, 2012

Old Buffalo Resting

7.5 x 9.5 gouache and Caran D'Ache over ink sketch posted a few days ago.  This is on matboard and ink is Elegant Writer pen.  I decided the old bull needed color so added it in a vignette style.


Guy Magallanes said...

What fun to see this develope!
I love your bull, it reminds me of the first buffalo I saw in Oklahoma a couple of years back!

Kay Smith said...

Thanks Guy! Appreciate your comments.

Balaji Venugopal said...

Your ink sketch itself was pretty good. Now with the addition of colour it is very striking.

Petal Pushers

15x22 watercolor on Saunders 140 lb cold press from my photo of faux tulip blooms in a vase in my living room; this painting is featured in...