Saturday, August 11, 2012

Rustification - old truck

12x18 watercolor of a very old rusted pickup truck I photographed in Lamesa, TX years ago.  I did paint a more colorful version before but sold it, and today decided I'd play up the rust and weedy vacant lot more.  First I put down very wet washes on dry Strathmore paper of ultramarine blue, quinacridone gold, and permanent rose.  After drying I got the darkest darks in wet on dry using carbazole violet and quinacridone burnt orange.  Lastly I painted in an old fence post lower right that wasn't in the original one.  This work has now been SOLD.

1 comment:

Suzy Pal Powell said...

love this Kay..normally i can't get on this site for some reason!
Rust is awesome! hahh

Kid Nap

5.5x8.5 watercolor using Rosa Gallery paints made in Ukraine on 80 lb sketchbook paper done a few weeks ago. As part of an online weekend d...