Sunday, September 2, 2012

Mollie's Chickens

5.25x7.5 watercolor on Strathmore 140 lb cold press paper done this afternoon.  These are Mollie Jones' poultry and she has them in all shapes, sizes, colors, breeds, etc. on her farm in East Texas.  After yesterday's mixed media collage intense concentration I felt like painting these barnyard babes.


Christiane Fortin said...

Kay love it! Did Mollie see it. The colors are beautiful.

Sandra Busby said...

This is lovely! I really must get around to painting our three girls some time :0)

Kay Smith said...

They are fun and have comical ways.

Green Bee

8x8 watercolor using White Nights paints of a green bee after pollen, painted last week on Grumbacher 140 lb cold press paper. COPYRIGHT 20...