Thursday, September 6, 2012

Trunk Show (elephants) WIP

 Here is the FINISHED work in progress, 15x22 India ink and watercolor on Italia 140 lb cold press paper done today.  Colors used:
raw umber violet, raw sienna, sepia, and cobalt teal blue.


This view is the first one where I drew in the larger bull elephant using ink dropper.  I had spritzed my paper with water sprayer at random, then sporadically misted it over wet ink spots.  Once the ink is dry it is permanent.

I felt the composition needed one more guy to round out the trunk show, similar to show and tell only these beasts are comparing trunks at the local savannah club.  Actually the work could stand on its own either with or without the third fellow who appears to be laughing.


Unknown said...

I love the how you did the expressive qualities using pen! I have discovered that I love using pen and watercolor, but there is not much info on how to combine them.

Kay Smith said...

Thanks Cathy. You're right, there is not much if any literature or how-to books showing the use of ink with watermedia. I've taken a class with Karlyn Holman and she does use black acrylic and ink with her work.

Watermarycolors said...

I love this painting.. is diferent, good job!

Green Bee

8x8 watercolor using White Nights paints of a green bee after pollen, painted last week on Grumbacher 140 lb cold press paper. COPYRIGHT 20...