Sunday, December 28, 2014

Frozen Trees

7.5x5.5 watercolor and white wax crayon on 140 lb Arches paper done today using no reference and no pencil (brush only).  I first applied white crayon at random on dry paper then did a light wash of raw umber and Prussian blue over most areas.  While still wet I used a wadded up facial tissue to blot at the top and over small area of the water.  As it dried too light I added more washes using carbazole violet and sepia; when dry I used the same colors to do negative painting for tree trunks, limbs, and branches.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2014 Kay Smith.


Kat Farmer/van Hookens said...

ooh gotta lurve that neg painting, this works a treat :-)

Kay Smith said...

Thanks Kat!


5.25x7.25 watercolor on Canson paper recently done commission. This beautiful cat was ill so her owner's sister wanted to gift it to he...