Thursday, March 12, 2015

Greek Fisherman

8.5x6 ink contour line drawing on Color Sketch tinted paper done last month, another Greek-themed work.  With this WetCanvas challenge photo courtesy of Athena, we were to do a continuous contour line, which means you start at a spot and never lift up your pen.  I used Micron 01 by Sakura.  This old man of the sea's name is George and he owns a fish restaurant there where the catch of the day is the special.  I had planned to add color but several other artists talked me out of it.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2015 Kay Smith.


Billie Crain said...

This doesn't need color. It's wonderful as is, Kay. :)

Kay Smith said...

Thank you, Billie.

Almost Bloomsday Again!

15x22 watercolor on Italia Acquerello 140 cold press paper of my old antique watering can surrounded by happy faces of the sherbet-hued pan...