Saturday, September 5, 2015

Fat Little Sparrow on Yupo

11x15 watercolor on Yupo done this week using a small figurine for a model.  Yupo is a synthetic paper that originated in Japan that was named Kimdura and was for printmaking.  Artists discovered its unique properies over a decade ago and it is fun to paint.Also since Tuesday I've posted daily works on Leslie Saeta's #30 paintingsin30days challenge she hosts annually on her blog Slices of Life you can see HERE.  So this one is the 5th painting in a row.  I paint daily anyway so the ability to do one per day is not difficult.
Image COPYRIGHT 2015 Kay Smith.

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Highland Calf

6x4 watercolor and ink line in Joggles sketchbook done last week or so ago for an online challenge with WetCanvas; an adorable Highland cal...