Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Black Cat Halloween - #InkTober

12x9 mixed media collage on Cheap Joe's sketchbook (watercolor and ink with Pigma Micron 01 pen) begun yesterday and finished today.  Top part is a black and white photocopy of my photo taken of golf pro Al's kitty Blackie.  They live at Pinon Park condos by our place in Ruidoso NM.  After printing, I cut her out and collaged onto paper using matte medium.  Bottom part and text is ink and watercolor for #InkTober, various candies and pumpkins.  I sketched one of my three mice figurines for lower right and he is talking to Blackie trying to get her to pay attention to the candy corn.  You can see some small bits of gravel between the cat's front paws and I have sketched them on out, spilling into the candy pieces.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2015 Kay Smith.

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