Monday, November 23, 2015

Vintage Vealmoor TX Mailbox

15x11 watercolor on Canson 140 lb cold press paper finished today.  From my photo taken where Vealmoor, Texas highway intersects with caliche road to my mother's, this rusty rural route holder of mail now houses only birdnests.  Three or more other mailboxes in better condition are to its right.  Precariously bolted to wood on top of metal piping, this vintage victim of time and weather is full of interesting texture.  As this weekend's drawing event host on WetCanvas, I posted the photograph along with 15 others, and so far I'm the only one who painted it.  Across the highway looking east is pasture for cattle grazing and cotton farming.  To the south the highway connects to US 87 to Big Spring, the crossroads of west Texas.
Image COPYRIGHT 2015 Kay Smith.

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Hidden Owl

8.5x5.5 ink using Micron 01 pen in Master's Touch sketchbook done week before last. Yesterday I added White Nights watercolors to this ...