Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sunflower Day

22x15 watercolor on 140 lb cold press Saunders Waterford paper done today.  Since temps were in the 70s and sunshine plentiful it put me in the mood for being outside and seeing sunflowers or thinking of planting them later on in the year.  I wanted to paint a high key, loose group of them using at least two pigments seldom or never used.  So I chose thioindigo violet and vitruvius blue (combination of Lapis Lazuli and cerulean).  The violet and blue together with a bit of alizarin crimson made very nice hues.  Also I wanted to use only my 1" flat sable brush so too much detail could not be done.  Towards the end I decided to put the flowers inside a glass vase.
Image COPYRIGHT 2016 Kay Smith.


Catharina Engberg said...

Very nice, and a good idea with the glassvase.

Kay Smith said...

Thank you Catharina!

Almost Bloomsday Again!

15x22 watercolor on Italia Acquerello 140 cold press paper of my old antique watering can surrounded by happy faces of the sherbet-hued pan...