Sunday, March 20, 2016

Chickenpox - today's mixed media demo

15x11 mixed media collage on 140 lb Canson wc paper done today, a demonstration for Odessa TX art association at the Ellen Noel museum.  I used paper doily and toilet seat cover tissue initially as seen upper left and lower right, adhered with Yes! paste and matte medium.  Initial sketch done with Staedtler LumoColor calligraphic pen. First I stamped white marker over a stencil upper left (see the whitish round spots, hence the chickenpox idea one of the members suggested).  For washes acrylic inks, Montana acrylic markers, liquid acrylics used along with sunflower from cocktail napkin, legs and feet from failed watercolor chicken, red polka dot giftwrap paper for comb and wattle, and oil pastels for accents.  Top right text torn from old discarded novel and collaged.  Leaf stencil was used around the sunflower, then edges softened with water.
Image COPYRIGHT 2016 Kay Smith.

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Brycen and Dog

15x11 watercolor on Kilimanjaro 140 lb cold press paper do e couple months ago, a commission plus a local wine label design for CaSh. This...