Sunday, November 6, 2016

Joyous Junco

9.75x6.75 alcohol inks on white foamcore lightly sketched in pencil first done today.  I've used the neutral inks such as Shadow Gray, White, Burro Brown, and black on the bird's body.  Greenery is Willow and Rainforest along with Ginger.  White snow is seen as the white of the substrate/support.
Image COPYRIGHT 2016 Kay Smith.


Siggi in Downeast Maine said...

I mentioned on facebook that I really like this painting...
but wondered if you used a brush on this ... and if so,
how did you keep the brush from being destroyed !
Thanks for your inspiration and the joy of seeing your paintings.

Kay Smith said...

Siggy, I thought I commented on your question but maybe not. Thanks for the kudos! No brush used. I do like to use cotton tip applicators dipped in 91% alcohol to clean around edges.

Petal Pushers

15x22 watercolor on Saunders 140 lb cold press from my photo of faux tulip blooms in a vase in my living room; this painting is featured in...