Sunday, January 22, 2017

Jaywalk ~ day 22 of 30 paintings in 30 days challenge

6x7.5 watercolor on Kilimanjaro 140 lb cold press paper featured on day 22 of Leslie Saeta's popular biannual challenge.  Each artist participating pledges to do at least one painting per day.  Some who paint faster than others can complete more than that to have an extra entry for those days painting time is cut short.  In this scene I've added more tree limbs and branches and negative painting was  done. I also have this one showing on WetCanvas weekend drawing event with photo courtesy Robert Rongier of France; see his website HERE.Image COPYRIGHT Kay Smith 2017.

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Desert Plants

8.5x5.5 watercolor in Master's Touch sketchbook, 80 lb paper, done last week or so, a scene of desert plants including a century plant,...