Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Bluebonnet Blitz

22x15 watercolor on Fabriano 140 lb cold press paper finished last Monday, sandwiched in between doing a valentine every day, just anxious to paint a floral for a change.  Next month will be traveling to Fredericksburg to do a demo but it will be too early to see these lovely Texas state flowers blooming wildly along roadsides and ranches.  Several years ago I painted a macro view of the lovely lupine and get email from those who have seen that painting asking if I have any more of them.  This one has prints available on my website in every size, or the original.
Image COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith.

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Green Bee

8x8 watercolor using White Nights paints of a green bee after pollen, painted last week on Grumbacher 140 lb cold press paper. COPYRIGHT 20...