Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Yellow Orange VW

9x12 watermedia on Canson 140 lb cold press paper I'd used as a backing sheet for larger works that had acrylics, watercolor, and ink on it.  The abandoned Volkswagen and another junked car are seen sitting side by side, not in traffic anymore, but in the eerie silence of a wooded area.  I used orange and yellow Brusho watercolor crystals, watercolor, gouache, and white gel pen.  The pink streaks were from Montana marker lines from a recent work.  Photo courtesy Belle Schooler, and is one of our summer challenge images Big Spring Art Association is doing currently, posting on social media.  In the photo, the front hood of a car was a pale gold, but I've made it a soft cobalt blue to complement the yellow orange bug.
Image COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith.

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