Monday, April 8, 2019

Sparrow Spot ~ National Draw a Bird Day

9x12 Brusho and a small amount of watercolor on the sparrow's feathers of burnt sienna and ultramarine blue.  I first spritzed water at random with a fine mister spray onto dry paper then dusted Brusho watercolor crystals using Olive Green only.  Colors ran and patterns emerged.  When dry I did a pencil sketch using a small bird figurine from life then did the feathers making the imaginary male sparrow come alive for #National DrawABirdDay today.
COPYRIGHT Kay Smith 2019


laura said...

Beautiful. I love the suggestion of foliage and how lightly it's done. And, of course, the sparrow!
Thanks for describing your technique-- I've never heard vh of watercolor crystals.

Kay Smith said...

Laura, many thanks. Brusho crystals are a lot of fun and so creative.

Petal Pushers

15x22 watercolor on Saunders 140 lb cold press from my photo of faux tulip blooms in a vase in my living room; this painting is featured in...