Saturday, January 25, 2020

Carnation the January Flower

11x15 watercolor on Strathmore 140 lb cold press paper painted from a black & white photo (no color reference).  First I spritzed limited palette colors of arylide yellow, cobalt blue, and permanent rose on dry paper.  When that dried I then began pushing warm high key colors that reminded me of sherbet.  The plain ordinary carnation is my birthday flower and it usually plays second fiddle to the rose or other more stately varieties with reputations.  
COPYRIGHT 2020 Kay Smith.


Jo Castillo said...

This is gorgeous. A perfect January flower. I love carnations. In Bolivia I would buy bunches of them and keep them all around the house. Happy flowers and long lasting in water. I was happy to see this this evening. :-)

R's Rue said...


Brycen and Dog

15x11 watercolor on Kilimanjaro 140 lb cold press paper do e couple months ago, a commission plus a local wine label design for CaSh. This...