Monday, February 22, 2021

'ritaville for National Margarita Day

7.5x11 watercolor, 140 lb cold press paper. I painted this while in Albuquerque in 2009. I used Winsor Newton paper and travel kit. Colors: Cadmium yellow pale, ultramarine blue, yellow ochre, cadmium yellow hue, cobalt blue, burnt sienna, cadmium red pale, sap green, burnt umber, alizarin crimson, and viridian. Since today is National Margarita Day I posted this then ordered a frozen one with lime and a rim of salt along with some hot Tex Mex food. COPYRIGHT Kay Smith

1 comment:

Jo Castillo said...

Such a cool painting. Happy your got your margarita and Tex-Mex. We did that as well, good after the cold weather. We hit 80 for a while yesterday. Crazy.

Mexico Cactus Pot

9x7 watercolor using White Nights paints in sketchbook done last week, another imaginary still life in a landscape. This time I imagined be...