Sunday, April 23, 2023


11x15 watercolor on 140 lb Canson paper cold press finished today, another in my southwestern series of Native Americans on the move. I first stenciled a mandala pattern using matte medium on dry paper. When dry, several colors were washed wet in wet over the background. After that dried, the Indian brave and squaw were sketched, then I looked for other shapes. On right side pale yellow area, there appeared to be a brave's profile. Next I took a small silicone cross and stamped various colors mixed with matte medium at random. Lastly, the couple was painted with attention on adding pattern to their blankets and clothing. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

1 comment:

Debbie Nolan said...

Such a great painting Kay. Took a stop at some of your previous posts. Really enjoyed seeing your Jig-Saw Poppies. Your paintings always give the viewer a sense of happiness. Hope you are having the same type of day.

Almost Bloomsday Again!

15x22 watercolor on Italia Acquerello 140 cold press paper of my old antique watering can surrounded by happy faces of the sherbet-hued pan...