Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Wild Portrait

14x11 mixed media on Strathmore Toned Tan paper done last week based on my own selfie photo and using #sktchy techniques. White acrylic was sponge rolled onto paper. When dry, pencil sketch then orange and black acrylic inks, markers, and acrylics added using a dove feather in a drinking straw to make marks. Although this does not look like me it was fun to explore new ways to add various media. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

1 comment:

Debbie Nolan said...

Great portrait Kate...love how you used all the different media to complete this work. Hope you have a great end to your week.

Desert Plants

8.5x5.5 watercolor in Master's Touch sketchbook, 80 lb paper, done last week or so, a scene of desert plants including a century plant,...