Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Proud Red Hollyhock

6x8 watercolor using White Nights paints on handmade paper 140 lb done yesterday. This was a demonstration for my Monday art class and took approximately 30-35 minutes. I've used one of my red hollyhock photos from studio garden. Here I used a direct painting method with various pinks, oranges, and reds. Finishing touch this morning was to add a thin glaze/wash of transparent pyrrol orange (Daniel Smith) over the bloom. COPYRIGHT Kay Smith 2024

1 comment:

Jo Castillo said...

Ahh, my new favorite. One of my friends always says her latest painting is her favorite. Seems to work for you from me!

Moonglow Crow

9x7 watercolor using Daniel Smith's Moonglow pigment for background, bird, and trees. Mixed with sepia and indigo by White Nights, this...