Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Buttercup Cat Portrait

16x20 watercolor of one of my cats taking a siesta on an old brick.  As our Caboose group gets ready for a pet portrait art show next month we have to get ready with various varieties of our furry friends.  This is my second time to paint this fellow.


Billie Crain said...

Love the expression on this cat's face.:)

Kay Smith said...

Thanks Billie. I'm going to look for the first version photo, scan it, and post so we can see the differences. It sold, so I can't take a digital.

Sandra Busby said...

This is so quirky! Love the colours and that bright flower pot! Cute cat too :0)

Michelle Himes said...

This is so cute, Kay! Only a cat could sleep with a cement block for a pillow. LOL

Bunch of Beauty

9.5x7 watercolor on cold press paper, free form grapes using only a black and white reference, over a multicolored underpainting of soft gr...