Sunday, August 7, 2011

Watermedia Reworked Art "Gone with the Wing"

15x22 mixed watermedia:  acrylic, ink, collage over failed red rose watercolor.  This work was a demo for the Amarillo Art Institute a few years ago.  In its former life it was a vertical red rose that I can post here if anyone wants to see it.  Classes using the techniques I have developed are in demand and I'm scheduling out of town demos about once a month along with workshops on mixed watermedia as well as transparent watercolor.  Moral of the story is never throw out your old dogs!


Helen Shideler said...

This is pure fun - would love to see the starting point as well. never ever give up :) - one of my mottos

Christiane Kingsley said...

I love the whimsical character of this. Gorgeous colors as always!

Kurlie said...

Kay, congrats on being so busy. One question...What do you do when you run out of old dogs? 8-)Kurlie

Kay Smith said...

Thanks Helen, Christiane, and Kurlie. I won't run out of old dogs; I have a bin full.

Bunch of Beauty

9.5x7 watercolor on cold press paper, free form grapes using only a black and white reference, over a multicolored underpainting of soft gr...