Saturday, September 17, 2011


20x26 poured watercolor onto dry Saunders 140 lb cold press paper. I put torn masking tape over it first and long strips at random. With no preconceived ideas I laid torn paper doily placemat pieces then spray painted those. After all dried, removed tape and confetti came to mind, then portions of playing cards painted using real ones for reference. I put 5 and a 3 for 1953 the year I was hatched, and a King of Hearts the K for my name. The 2 of Hearts upper right means the 2 that can go with the 3 card for 23rd, my birthday date. Lastly I used real feathers to paint negatively red, green, yellow, blue feathers around eye holes then developed eye masks in the lower part, two obvious masks and there's a third one hidden.  See if you can spot it.  The whole thing is a mess but reminded me of Mardi Gras and was fun to do a poured fairly abstract piece.

1 comment:

Тања said...

how are you painted lace parts? Awesome!

Antique Glass

10x8 acrylics on canvas done last Monday from one of my antique store photos taken in 2011 but never painted. A collection of colored glass...