Saturday, September 22, 2012

Golden Melon

22x15 watercolor on 140 lb cold press paper with DaVinci/Daniel Smith paints.  A collection of fall gourds cluster together in old iron urn.  I particularly like their twisted stems, leaves, and vines.


Brenda Ferguson said...

Beautiful, Kay! I love the grayish purple tones of the bowl with the orange and green gourds. And the orange gourd just glows!

Christiane Fortin said...

Kay it's too cute! I love you inspiration and creativity.

Sherry Schmidt said...

Love this! Great colors!

Snowy Aspens

6x4 watercolor using White NIghts paints on 80 lb paper in Joggles sketchbook done last week from a photo I took in Ruidoso a few years ago...