Friday, September 21, 2012

Autumn Aspens Wolf

20x16 watercolor on Arches 140 lb cold press paper, DaVinci/Daniel Smith/WN paints.  A friend gave me his wolf photos so using one of those, added aspen grove I photographed in New Mexico years ago plus imaginary rocks to make this fall landscape.


Watermarycolors said...

Lovely painting, the autumn is here.. if is like this one, is welcome!! :)

Paula Guhin said...

Love it, Kay. And thanks so much for following my blog, too...I appreciate it!

Kay Smith said...

Thank you Mari and Paula!

Paula, I'm enjoying your Creative Painting book, and your blog is awesome!

Green Bee

8x8 watercolor using White Nights paints of a green bee after pollen, painted last week on Grumbacher 140 lb cold press paper. COPYRIGHT 20...