Friday, February 8, 2013

Fondness for Hearts

5.5x7.5 watercolor on 140 lb hot press paper done yesterday. I first drew in 4 heart shapes with a white wax crayon, then did a quick underpainting using alizarin crimson and thalo blue. Over those colors I laid crumpled plastic wrap and let it dry all day.  Later, I lifted up the plastic to find a multitude of crinkled areas from which new hearts were developed by negative and positive painting.


cathyswatercolors said...

Oh Kay thank you for sharing. Iam inspired.

Kay Smith said...

Great! Thanks, Cathy.

Rusty Milk Cans

12x9 alcohol based markers by Caliart on Masters Touch marker 46 lb paper over Fude Tombow brush pen sketch, done over the past weekend. Fo...