Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Mare and Foal

7.5x9 watercolor on Canson 140 lb cold press paper/Daniel Smith paints done this afternoon, from an initial 6x6 ink sketch as seen below.  Today I had to redraw it into a larger format, and I worked from a black and white photo copy.  The photo is featured on the current Weekend Drawing Event in the All Media Art Event forum of WetCanvas website and is courtesy of Lin.


Sea Dean - Paint a Masterpiece said...

I'm constantly hearing that to make it as a professional artist you have to specialize. I'm not sure if I agree. I love your constantly changing subject matter. This is wonderful.

Pat said...

Gorgeous artwork. Love the atmosphere in this.

Desert Horned Toad

7x9 watercolor done last week from my selection of photos for the Animal and Wildlife monthly challenge on WetCanvas. These horned toads li...