Monday, April 15, 2013

Pansy Party

11.25x17.5 watercolor on Kilimanjaro 140 lb cold press paper that I painted yesterday afternoon, wet in wet.  As dry as it is here, had to keep wetting the front and back plus keep a towel over areas not yet touched.  I felt sorry for the pansies as hotter days tend to make them droop, wilt, and die, so they can live on in art and have a party doing so!


Sandra Busby said...

These are stunning! I love those beautiful colours :0)

Prerana Kulkarni said...

Awesome Pansy party! I am imagine each pansy holding a small glass of wine!

March Rooster

6x6 watercolor painted today in new Master's Touch sketchbook, 80 lb paper, a quickie farm animal or bird painting. I used minimal penc...