Tuesday, January 13, 2015

East Texas Foggy Landscape

11x15 watercolor on 140 lb cold press Daler Rowney paper done today from a few photos my friend Carole in east TX sent.  They are having foggy, cold days also.  Of course my version has more color than the actual foliage, trees, weeds, water and marshy areas.  The only real true to life depiction is the grey murky sky.  There's a small amount of negative painting as well in this rural winter landscape.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2015 Kay Smith.

1 comment:

Meredith Adler said...

Love this one, too. Gorgeous use of colors and love that you show just the minimal needed to capture the essence of the scene...

Brycen and Dog

15x11 watercolor on Kilimanjaro 140 lb cold press paper do e couple months ago, a commission plus a local wine label design for CaSh. This...