Monday, January 12, 2015

Frozen Fog

9x6.5 watercolor and white wax crayon on hot press paper, an imaginary scene inspired by today's fog, freezing drizzle, and forecast of the same the next 3 days.  After yesterday's warm temps and sunshine, it is back to Old Man Winter.  For today's work, I used the white crayon for vertical tree lines on dry paper, then mixed neutral darks, popping in Coastal Fog and white gouache to move the paint around.  Colors used:  Alizarin crimson, UB, thalo blue (red shade), thalo green, sap green, quin burnt orange, indigo.  Barely letting each application dry, I charged back into areas with other brushloads of pigment.  Some splatters when almost dry of the opaques was done.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2015 Kay Smith.


Meredith Adler said...

This caught my eye on Leslie's blog. Gorgeous piece...I love the next one, too! Enjoy the rest of the challenge...

Anonymous said...

Love the drama and mood you created!

Kay Smith said...

Thanks Meredith and June!

Jill Rae Finally Art said...

Very nice piece. I love that you shared so much about how you made it. White crayon? Can't wait to try it.

Brycen and Dog

15x11 watercolor on Kilimanjaro 140 lb cold press paper do e couple months ago, a commission plus a local wine label design for CaSh. This...