Monday, February 16, 2015

Al's Kitty

6x4 watercolor and ink line on paper, a magazine insert, that I grabbed to sketch after meeting this fat, fluffy black cat. It belongs to Al, a retired golf pro, who is our neighbor in New Mexico.  A WWII veteran, Al takes care of the strays, and when I need my DH gone awhile, Al takes him to a golf course for a lesson.  This solid black cat of his suns herself on our condo steps so was there to greet me with a friendly purr. Now will have to post this on Facebook's 30 Cats in 30 Days Challenge as started by Valri Ary.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2015 Kay Smith

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Venus Flytrap

5.5x8.5 watercolor using Rosa paints done last month over ink sketch using Micron 01 pen in Master's Touch sketchbook, 80 lb paper. As...