Sunday, February 15, 2015

Italian Pitcher and Orange

9x12 watercolor and ink (Tombow brush pen) done this past week for Sketchbook Skool assignment of setting up a 3 object still life.  Using a watersoluble pen, a contour line drawing had to be done and then painted.  I used this pretty ceramic pitcher given to my by my sister-in-law Christy, a fresh orange cut in half and the kitchen knife.  Soon I'll plan to do this one over.  The instructor was Brenda Swenson.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2015 Kay Smith.


Billie Crain said...

This is absolutely charming. :)

Kay Smith said...

Thanks Billie! Forgot to say we had 10 minutes to do it.

Venus Flytrap

5.5x8.5 watercolor using Rosa paints done last month over ink sketch using Micron 01 pen in Master's Touch sketchbook, 80 lb paper. As...