Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Herring Gull - Day 29 of 30 day challenge

9x12 watercolor and acrylic on Canson 140 lb cold press paper which is today's work, day 29.  I used a backing sheet I place behind other watermedia works in progress to protect overruns, that results in lots of random marks.  Next I drew in pencil a herring seagull then painted him in watercolor in a realistic manner.  Also I did Bice Blue and ultramarine blue thin washes over the entire background and yellow ochre + Coastal Fog for the sand he is standing upon.  These large birds are the most widespread pink-legged gull in North America, the herring is common in the east and mainly a winter visitor in the west.  Its pink legs stay that color throughout its life.

Since 9-1-15, I've posted daily works on Leslie Saeta's #30paintingsin30days challenge she hosts annually on her blog Slices of Life you can see HERE.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2015 Kay Smith.

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