Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Wild Weed Sunflowers - Day 16 of Thirty Paintings in 30 Days Challenge

9.5x7 watercolor on Ecosystem paper in sketchbook, a salute again to the wild sunflower looking weeds that grow so tall and are everywhere.  I used Micron 01 pen to draw them from an old photograph I took from the vacant lot before we built our house.

Also since 9-1-15, I've posted daily works on Leslie Saeta's #30paintingsin30days challenge she hosts annually on her blog Slices of Life you can see HERE.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2015 Kay Smith.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh this is so pretty! love the colors and freshness.


5.5x8.5 mixed media (ink, watercolor, colored pencil, gouache) on paper done in 2014 from A Christmas Carol featuring Ebenezer Scrooge. Wr...