Monday, November 30, 2015

Climbing White Roses

22x15 watercolor on 140 lb cold press Saunders Waterford that I finished yesterday.  These climbing white roses were by our front steps and I snapped several photos when they were blooming at their peak then painted them.  Not happy with the mid section it was reworked and more negative leaves, stems, and thorns added.  My favorite part is the rosebud upper right.  It was painted wet in wet.
Image COPYRIGHT 2015 Kay Smith.

1 comment:

giaonhan247 said...

Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

An Thái Sơn với website chuyên sản phẩm máy đưa võng hay máy đưa võng tự động tốt cho bé là địa chỉ bán máy đưa võng giá rẻ tại TP.HCM và giúp bạn tìm máy đưa võng loại nào tốt nhất hiện nay.

Cactus and Agave

8x6 watercolor on rough handmade paper done over a week ago combining two references into one composition of prickly pear cactus along with...